Offices for the Mayor, Administrator, Municipal Clerk, Code Enforcement and Inspectors, Tax/Water Collection, Tax Assessor, Health Registrar, Borough Nurse, and Recreation Office are found here on the second floor.
The Council Chambers and Municipal Court and Court Administration/Violation are situated on the first floor.
The Aldo P. Napoli Community Room on the second floor is available for use by any community organization.
The Fire Prevention Office, Fire Chief's Office and the Emergency Operations Center are located on the lower level of the Municipal Building, accessible to the public via the elevator only. If the elevator will not go to the basement, then the Fire Prevention Office is not open.
The Police Department is located at the same address as the Municipal Building, but it is adjacent in a separate, attached section accessed by the public via a separate door with 24/7 access.
The Alfred H. Baumann Free Public Library is situated on the other side of the parking lot at 7 Brophy Lane.
The Department of Public Works is housed in a separate facility at 1 Browertown Road.

Contact Information
Municipal Building Location:
5 Brophy Lane
Woodland Park, NJ 07424-2752
Municipal Building Hours
Regular Office Hours
Monday thru Friday:
8:30 AM - 4:30 PM
Summer Hours
Monday thru Thursday:
8:00 AM – 4:45 PM
Closed On Fridays Thru August